The foundation for successful treatment is diagnoses and treatment planning. The time spent analyzing the records, doing growth predictions, simulating tooth movements and skeletal changes as well as predicting soft-tissue changes due to the treatment is essential. Each treatment plan is based on set objectives and is highly individualised based on the patient’s unique needs.
Orthodontics is much more than straightening teeth, it is about straight teeth that fit and function in harmony with the TMJ. It’s about the muscles and balancing the contacts, distributing the forces evenly to prevent grinding.
In order to see successful results, we also need to consider the integrity of the bone, the health and type of periodontium, as well as obtaining balanced facial proportions for the patient.
The integration of knowledge and experience with all the information gathered from the records yields well-planned treatments.
Orthodontic treatment performed with straight teeth only in mind, on the other hand, have the inherent risk of producing undesirable effects on the patient’s face with which he/she will have to live with for the rest of their lives and worse; a bite predisposing to wearing the teeth down.